I gave him my heart, and he gave me a pen.

January 31, 2007

You know I must be crazy...

This being my very first post ever, maybe I should start by introducing myself.


Know this - my mind always draws a blank when am told to "tell me about yourself". It makes me feel like such an ass. The laughable thing is that I am NOT a shy person. I want this blog to get me over the "they're all going to laugh at you" syndrome.

Here goes nothin':

I am married to my best friend since 2000. Don't take that statement to mean that it is all wine and roses, we have our share of arguments and disagreements. But, when push comes to shove, there is no one else that I want by my side. My husband will be known from here forward as J.

I am a new mom. I had my first child 11/30/06, a little girl who shall be known as M. M is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

MANY years ago - I started as a blog snooper, I really thought that I was getting away with something. I thought I was looking in on personal feeling that were not meant to be seen. Then blogging became a mainstream thing, then I became a reader. The kind of reader who would comment sometimes, but read everyday. It became an addiction, that still thrives today.

As for what I do, I wish I was a SAHM, but alas, I am not. I work for a great company and I assist a sales team. I would not want to get dooced, so I will keep it at that. Being the great company that it is, I am working on being a WAHM 2 days a week.

So, there is your brief introduction to me. I am sure as I become more comfortable, I will reveal more. I've always been the person who thought I held my cards close until I looked back and realized that my heart was on my sleeve.

To end this - I am open to ANY suggestions to make this a better place to visit.