I gave him my heart, and he gave me a pen.

July 11, 2007

Whoa the neglect!

I don't know, I guess I have just been in a funk. A lot going on, don't want to be a whiner. I will summarize -

We have decided to move, just not to PA. We don't want to face winter. I will take this friggin heat (it has been hella hot here), over a frosty morning, any day. We have decided to move to the Melbourne area of Florida. Far enough away from here, close enough to a major city (Orlando). It will be a change, because both J and I are used to larger city life, and that area certainly is not that.

I don't know if I have mentioned anything about it here, but my sister and niece live with me. That has turned out to be a catastrophe. My sister just takes full advantage, because we are family. The point of telling you is this - her daughter was visiting her father in upstate NY, while she was there, she witnessed him have a massive heart attack and die. It breaks my heart to think of that even now. She witnessed the MI, his friends giving him CPR, the medics trying to resuscitate him, riding in the ambulance, and the ER doc working on him - all for nothing. My heart just freakin aches for her because they had started that day just hanging out together, something that was rare because he had a jealous wife. She and I were the same age when we lost a parent, but I knew it was coming, she did not.

In the past two months we have gone on vacation. We basically hung out with J's family, and it was great. They are scattered between Ocean County NJ, and Henryville PA. So, I was able to get cranked on Wawa coffee, and see some of the greatest people I know.

Work - well, it's been work. The boss that I like and respected - yeah, his position was eliminated for real. He is in his last two weeks to "transition" some projects, after that, he is gone. The bastard is happy, because he has the hook up, so he will land on his feet. I call him a bastard out of love, and I do it to his face, often. I just can't seem to find the motivation to do this 110% like I used to.

The reason for posting is this - on the way to work this morning, I heard a song that just kinda snapped me out of my fog. It really felt like I was seeing the sun for the first time in a while. I realized that there will be an end to these low times. I was actually in a good mood, I smiled and it wasn't fake. It felt good. So I have decided to NOT wait, I want to feel like that more often. I am going to start by not absorbing everyone else's problems to make better. We'll see how this snowballs from there.

By the way, the song was Lola by the Kinks. Love that song.

May 22, 2007

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

I have been neglectful, I have just been in a shitty mood.

We went to Las Vegas over the weekend, and we had a great time. The purpose of the trip was to see J's brother as he is being deployed to Iraq. My father, step mother, step sister and brother live there too. My FIL, MIL, BIL and step brother also came out. It was stressful, but, the best weekend I have had in a looooooooong time.

I have a weird relationship with family. I have felt for years that as long as we didn't live close together, we would get along better. I realized that isn't the truth. The truth is that I should not live with them. I have a sister currently living with me, and it is not good.

We were leaving on the red-eye Sunday night and I was actually sad to be leaving. We landed in Florida, drove home, and it didn't feel like coming home, it felt like I was just going to where I live. I went to work yesterday (that was a bad idea), and I just felt out of place. I tried to blame it on jet lag, but that isn't it. I don't know, I am just whiney, and this is why I haven't posted. I don't want to be a whiney blogger.

May 1, 2007


This really has nothing to do with me, it’s just something to bitch about. BTW – the baby known as M decided to let that second tooth start poking through at 1, 3, and 5 this morning. THEN, would not wake up to eat. So, I am a little crabby and tired.

Here’s what I wanted to bitch about –

It’s Fleet Week here in South Florida. The paper has listed a “things to do” article for the visiting service people.

Crazy fun like intramural softball and basketball. - puhleeze. Last year, a sailor set a 2 million dollar yacht ablaze, why you ask? Because he was shitfaced. They also have fireworks and concerts planned. oooohhhh, wicked fun. The reality is this - they will head down to what is left of Las Olas and drink until their livers fail.

I would like to addend the article to say “We in South Florida should have gotten it by now. You are not interested in “activities” you basically just want to get shitfaced, act like ass, and nail as many men or women as you please. To this I say party on, be a responsible drunk, PLEASE use condoms, and don’t wreck our shit. That is all – Jen S. Dania Beach"

That is all...

April 19, 2007

Pretty sure this is fake

I had to post it. Because he is beautiful. I would be doing a dis-service to women everywhere if I didn't post this.

You can't "Click for more" because I blatantly stole this image from Queer Clicks.

V is for Vendetta

This has nothing to do with the movie...

The office that I work in is in Sunrise, Florida. It is an up and coming area that is starting to thrive because businesses are moving here. The point I am trying to make, is that it isn't a ghetto.

My ex-boss, the one that I like and respect, has had some strange happenings since we moved to this building in 10/06. I should include some very generic back story, because the rest of his story is not mine to tell. He is considered handicapped. He can walk upright, he has all limbs, but had a traffic accident that mangled an ankle. He has a handicapped parking placard for his car.

Moving on -

Since we have moved into this building, his Range Rover has suffered about 8 flats, all of them were nails through the side wall, rendering the tire useless.

Some gutless wonder left a note on his truck bitching him out because this person does not feel that he is handicapped. This person goes on to state that the spots are intended for "real" handi caps. This building, is only about half full. I have seen all the people that use the spots. NONE of them are wheelchair bound. The do have assorted ailments, but so does the boss. Just because it is not apparent to them, doesn't make it any less of a disability.

This past Friday, the 13th no less, was the worst. I was off that day, but the boss did call me at about 5 to help with something. The boss later left the building, only to discover another flat. So, he called his lovely wife, she picks him up, and they go to dinner. The boss decides to leave his car here overnight, like he's done a million times before. At 10:30 pm, his local police are pounding on his door at home, asking if they know where his car is. He responds that he does, he left it at the office. He gets here, and someone had poured FUCKING ACID all over his car. They poured it down the grate on the hood (the one by the wipers), which shorted the electrical and THAT rolled the windows down, and turned the radio on. THAT enabled the shit stain to splash the acid on the inside. The Rover is now rendered a total loss, not because of the damage, but, because it is now considered a biohazard.

I would like to think that it one of these crazy fucks in the building. But, could these old ladies be that cruel? Are they capable of causing this damage? I don't know.

My husband seems to think that it is an ex-girlfriend. He has also ventured to say it might be a dirty mistress. I can't see the boss doing that. He has one of those inordinately beautiful wives. Who know, I could have totally misjudged him.

So - dear readers (who am I kidding?) - Give me your opinion, or just make something up. If you make it up, make damn sure I will laugh because of it.

and go....

April 10, 2007

Imus = idiot...

I have never been a fan of Imus. It actually because he sounds like he talks with a mouth full of shit. It isn't his politics, it isn't because I get such a faker vibe from him. Not even the ridiculous hair can offend me. For gods sake, it isn't because of Howard Stern either.

There is no doubt, what he said was dumb as hell. But, Rev. Sharpton demanding that Imus resign?!? You really have to be kidding me. By far, Rev. Sharpton is the bigger racist here. He commits verbal murder to white people each and every day.

Rev. Sharpton does this daily, and gets away with it! Stinky old Imus commits this offense far less often, and his head is wanted on a stick??

It makes no sense to me.

Any thoughts??

and go...

April 4, 2007

Let's see...

Not too much going on here.

The good:
  • My stepson will be here in a week.
  • Sirius has an all punk station.
  • My daughter is still cute as hell.
  • There may be a way out of Florida yet.
  • The Shield is back.
The bad:
  • Our house that we just rented in November, is going on the market.
  • My sister is still living with us.
  • The lawn I rent needs to be cut.
  • Daughter is teething.
  • The "great car" the husband known as J bought for $700? Probably now needs a new transmission. Or at least an overhaul.

I am risking getting all whiney/angsty. I think I will stop here.

The good news - I just realized that it is Wednesday, thought it was Tuesday. Hey - it's something.

March 28, 2007

"I gotta go, I am getting a ticket.."

Tuesday, the baby known as M had this horrible, croupy cough. I know, I know, she got it from daycare. I feel bad enough as it is, lets not make me feel worse.

I managed to get an appointment Tuesday to take her in.

I am admittedly flying down 441 to get home to get M, and I come over a hill, trooper sees me, and I know instantly that he is pulling me over. He sauntered to the car, literally.

FHP: "I pulled you over for doing 60 in a 45"
Me: ok, just trying to get home to to take my daughter to the doc.
FHP: Uh-huh

**I know this guy has heard them all, but I was telling the truth**

The husband known as J and I are know volleying all the things we shouldn't say to this guy:

J: Should I tell him I pay his salary? Tell him that he should go after the "real criminals"?
Me: No, no, no - tell him to prove it to me that I was speeding!!
J: OOHHHH! I am going to ask him why he isn't out raping immigrants (a Miami cop was just busted for doing so). Nooooo, I will ask him why he isn't stalking 14 year old boys and girls on the internet (another Miami cop was busted for that.).

FHP comes back to the car: Do you live in Florida?
Me: Yes, I live in Dania Beach
FHP: How long?
Me: Um, yeah, 2 years now.
FHP: Yeah, I'll be back.

After a very long time, he comes back and says "I am going to warn you about the speeding, but ticket you for not having a Florida DL."

I have to go to court to prove that I have gotten a FL dl.


March 22, 2007

Doesn't it bother you that you are transparent?

Not you, my dear reader.

I found a new blog, and my method is to read the first few posts, and if it is interesting, I will read that persons archives. That's just how I roll.

So this woman, decided to start blogging. Just about everyday stuff, you know, the usual. Then the husband problems, and the half assed affair attempts, then she leaves him, he pines, she rebuffs oooohhhh the drama.

Then, it happens - she starts posting semi-nudes on the blog, and writing bad porn-poetry. Then has the fucking nerve to play the damn victim when receiving unwanted comments!!! I am not a master blogger/writer/anything, but, it is women like that that piss me off. You put yourself out there and play the damsel in distress when it gets too much. AAARGH!!

Can I get opinions?

and go...

March 20, 2007

Trying NOT to start a trend.

I would apologize for not posting in a week, but, no one is here.

My first week, I lost 6 lbs. I am pretty proud.

I got nothin. I was just going to talk about the last week in the life, but its just pathetically boring. It would go like this:

  • Monday I started a diet
  • Tuesday I probably fought unneccessarily with J
  • Wednesday I realized that I didn't have to eat to feel better
  • Thursday I figured out that most of the other women on the Weight Watchers message boards, are catty bitches. I fucking hate cattiness, even though I am sometimes guilty.
  • Friday I was the sickest I have ever been in my life. I still don't know what it was.
  • Saturday I still felt like dog shit.
  • Sunday I felt better and the weekend was over.

Sorry to whine, that just how it was.

Anyway - tomorrow is a new day - onward!

March 12, 2007

How's that for Monday torture...

Major changes should not be done on a Monday.

I started a diet today. I went back on Weight Watchers, worked well about 4 years ago when I just had to lose "lazy fat". Now, it's "baby fat" on top of "lazy fat". No, I will not turn this into a weight loss blog, I just wanted to offer an excuse up front about my bastardly demenor that I am sure is to emerge.


So, Richard Jeni blew his face off, while sad, does anyone really care?

March 7, 2007

Pffffffft Wednesday..

It's just been one of those days. I overslept this morning and it has just thrown my whole day off.

I drop off the baby known as M, late, to day care and MaryLou decides that this is a good time to tell me about her 50+ years experience as a child care provider. Don't get me wrong, she is a sweet lady, but I just didn't have the time. I had to cut her off and run out.

I had to get gas this morning, and the gas station I like to go to mysteriously has lines at all the pumps. There are probably 15 pumps. The drive to work gets NO better, the asshat merging on to 595 in front of me thinks 40 is an acceptable speed to do so.

As mentioned previously, I am taking on new responsibilities here at work. I am taking this lull to go over procedures and drill them into my brain. I flippin nodded off! It was for maybe a minute, because I snorted myself awake with my chin to my chest. Good thing I was alone in the office today.

I was just coming back from the bathroom, and there was a woman getting on the elevator. The elevator dings, doors open and I hear "Woot! hee hee!". I turn to see who she is wooting, and there is no one there. Who woots an elevator arrival? I swear to god, IT'S IN THE WATER!

I hate to see what this evening brings.

March 2, 2007

RIP, now get the hell out.

I get up at 6 am everyday to enjoy a cup of coffee and watch a little news before I shower. Imagine my rage when I flip on the news and there is "continuing team coverage" of the MOTORCADE to escort Anna Nicole's body to the fucking airport.

Yes, it is a shitty camera phone picture. But, that is my local weather and in the lower left is the news chopper following the hearse to MIA. This was on all the local channels.

Lastly, they were interviewing some fucking chud relative of Anna's, and the woman said:

"They have tookin her body...." I am sure she said more but my head exploded. "Tookin" instead of taken is the WORST bastardization of the English language.

The good news is, Anna is no longer in the state of Florida.

March 1, 2007

Dreams that look into your soul?

I had a really fucked up dream last night (this is the second time I had this dream), but, before I get to that, some of my past needs to be revealed.

The past:
When I was 6, my oldest sister (she was 16) Sandy died. Her and boyfriend where cruising through a park and were ran off the road into a tree by a drunk, on duty cop. The cop waited 45 minutes to even call an ambulance. Sandy and Jerry were alive when they arrive at the hospital, but died a short while later. The more tragic part to this story is that Sandy was 8.5 months pregnant with twin boys. Sadly they died too. We prosecuted, but lost.

The dream:
It starts in the house where we all lived when Sandy died, except, the house is brighter, more airy, and has a sense of happiness. Even when I was 6, I could just feel the tension that ran through the house. Anyhow, Sandy and I are folding just a fuckton of blankets and quilts, they are wall to wall floor to ceiling. In the dream, I already know she is going to die on this day, and she dies by tripping over the blankets and hitting her head. I am following her around, ready to catch her at any mis-step. The whole time, Sandy is not aware that she is about to die.

*This is where it get WEIRD*

I hear the doorbell ring, and run to get it. When I open the door, it is a squat, red, alien looking thing that says "I am death, and I am here for your sister.". I start girl slapping this thing and yelling "No, you can't have her!" over, and over again. Finally, death runs away. I race back to the room where Sandy is and tell her "You are going to live, I made death go away!!" Sandy thinks I am nuts because she didn't know she was marked for death that day. Then we just resume the day as normal.

That dream bothers me so much because it was the most vivid dream I have ever had. Sandy has been dead for over 20 years, but, I swear to god I could smell her, touch her and just feel her presence. I never wake up crying, but, this time I did because it felt like I lost her all over again.

I post this because I want opinions on WHY I keep having this dream.

So, please analyze me.

and go....

Myocardial infarction

Yesterday, I am sitting here in my cave, kinda working. I get an email from my husband "Wow, golf ball sized hail and a tornado warning here." In the seconds after I read that, my thought was "That is strange, it's only February."


I recall that M's daycare is only about 4 miles from where J works. I instantly panic, it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. I could not breath. The very thought of me or J not having the chance to be there to protect her was crushing to me. I was a good 25 minutes away, if the tornado would have happened, me driving at the speed of light could not have gotten me there to protect her.

Something has got to change..for real.

February 26, 2007

What the hell just happened?

Typical day in "paradise"...

We bought a small SUV about a month ago.

Sunday afternoon, I backed into some guy, I was rolling at about 2 miles an hour. I pulled back into my parking space, and hopped out, to curse at MYSELF, because it was totally my fault. The following is the conversation with the guy I tapped:

Me (walking up to his car, because he had not bothered to get out): Wow, I am really sorry, I didn't see you.

Haitian man: *blank stare*

Me: are you ok?

Haitian man: *blank stare* then mumbles something I can't understand.

Me: I am sorry but, what?

Haitian man: Gesturing and mumbles more that I can't understand.

Me: I don't understand what you are saying.

Haitian man then gets out of his car to survey, there isn't any damage to either car. Then just gets in his car and drives off.

Me talking to a car that is driving away: I guess you don't want a copy of my insurance card...

Don't get me wrong, this hashed out in favor of me, it just irks me to no end to deal with people here. It's gotta be something in the water.

February 22, 2007

The thing about death...

OH WHAAAH - Anna body is decomposing. People, that is what happens when you die, and if she had lived with an OUNCE of self respect there would not be a question of the paternity and maybe she could have died with a little dignity.

**no more anna nicole...i promise**

All this death has sparked a debate in my house. The hubby known as J's final wishes are to be cremated and scattered in the ocean, I want to be buried. J's reasoning is this - burials are expensive and he does not want to rot in the ground.

My reasoning is a little frightening. Foremost, I don't want to be burned, second (and most morbid) is this, I have had a lot of death in my life. My oldest sister died when I was 6, and my mom at 16. They are buried next to one another, and my step-dad on the other side of mom. I went there A LOT and would tell them what was going on with me etc. If I didn't have that, I really think I would have just forgotten all about them. (Does this make me nutty?) If I were to die tomorrow, I would want the baby known as M to have that same bit of sanctuary.

J attributes my morbidity to the fact that I was raised Catholic and was shamed into hanging on to everything.

So, what is your opinion? Buried or fricasseed?

February 15, 2007

Your new office manager...

My new title comes with a pat on the back. For now.

This morning, I met with my boss' boss. He was in town for the big GM meeting, and just wanted to come by to quell the notion that there are big layoffs coming down the pike.

He started off by blowing sunshine, telling me how important I am to "the team", yada yada yada. I let him and my new boss graze the topics of my new avenues, in return I told them how I welcome the opportunity, yada yada yada. Before I could stop the diarrhea that is usually my mouth, I said "if this turns out to be a mutually beneficial relationship, a 15 to 20% increase is fair market for the title."

I wanted to die AND throw up at the same time. I was talking to the general manager of operations in the United States. He is the BMOC among the US executives, and more than likely dines out per year what I make. Not exactly the person to discuss an increase with.

I thought he would laugh in my face, but, he just said "Give it 60 days and consider it done."

It pays to be forward sometimes.

February 9, 2007

I stole this from http://carrisablog.com/. I figured that there could be worse ways to open up...

1. Are your parents married or divorced? Divorced when I was 11 after 20+ years.
2. Are you a vegetarian? Have you SEEN my ass? No, I am not
3. Do you believe in Heaven? I believe in something, not sure of what that is..
4. Have you ever come close to dying? Yes, a bullet missed my head by inches.
5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My wedding ring and a necklace that was my MILs.
6. Favorite time of day? That time right before the baby goes down for the last time of the day. She always seems so happy.
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes
8. Do you wear makeup? I have to!
9. Ever have plastic surgery? Not yet
(What happened to #10?)
11. What do you wear to bed? T-shirt
12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Um, YEAH.. just never got caught.
13. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? Only if I have had them waxed, as more of a maintenance, but I am HORRIBLE at upkeep on eyebrows.
15. What kind of sneakers? I don't wear them that often, I am more of a flip-flop girl.
16. Do you believe in abortions? Yes, I am proudly pro choice.
17. What is your hair color? My roots tell me a little grey, but the rest tells me reddish/blondish/brownish.
18. Future child’s name? If we have a boy - Jackson Russell (family names) if we were to have another girl - I am not sure.
19. Do you snore? Yes.
20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? The Netherlands.
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, they invade my sleeping space.
22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off debt.
23. Gold or silver? Silver - looks better on my skin.
24. Hamburger or hot dog? Burger.
25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? New York Strip - Medium rare.
26. City, beach or country? Beach
27. What was the last thing you touched? Work phone
28. Where did you eat last? Home.
29. When’s the last time you cried? When the baby known as M got her 2 month shots.
30. Do you read blogs? Yes, a freakin fuck ton.
31. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? As a goof, sure.
32. Ever been involved with the police? I have a friend that is a cop.
33. What’s your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap? Plain old Infusium 23.
34. Do you talk in your sleep? I don't know, I am sleeping.
35. Ocean or pool? Pool, the ocean scares me.
36. So, who has the original missing questions? I don’t know.
37. Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend? ooohhh - Dominic Purcell and Sawyer from Lost.
38. Window seat or aisle? Aisle
39. Ever met anyone famous? Joe Jurevicius - he was famous to me..., I have met Artie Lange.
40. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life? Everyday above ground is a successful one.
41. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
42. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Neither.
43. Basketball or Football? Football.
44. How long do your showers last? Typically about 10-12 mins.
45. Automatic or do you drive a stick? Automatic - my step father learned the hard and expensive way not to MAKE me drive a stick, I burn through 4 clutches in 6 months.
46. Cake or ice cream?Cake, but with no frosting.
47. Are you self-conscious? Yes, but I can hide it.
48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? Twice, and my rotten sister Pam was the culprit each time.
49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? Yes.
50. Have you been in love? Yes.
51. Where do you wish you were? I wish I was sitting in a tropical locale reading the script to next weeks Grey's Anatomy so I know what happens with Meridith.
52. Are you wearing socks? Unfortunately
53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes.
54. Can you tango? No.
55. Last gift you received? 5 dozen daisies, because the hubby known as J rawks!
56. Last sport you played? Softball
57. Things you spend a lot of money on? The daughter known as M.
58. Where do you live? Dania Beach, Florida
59. Where were you born? Ottawa, Illinois.
60. Last wedding attended? My brother in law got married at Disneyworld.
61. Spit or swallow? Nonya
62. Favorite position? Again, Nonya
63. Most hated food(s)? Brussel sprouts
(#64 called in sick)
65. Can you sing? Yes I can, but the REAL question is "can you carry a tune?"
66. Last person you instant messaged? My consultant, Thom.
67. Last place you went on holiday? To the wedding in Orlando.
68. Favorite regular drink? Diet Coke.
69. Current Song? Ball and Chain - Social Distortion
70. Tag 3 friends: Not yet - I haven't even told people I know about this blawg.

February 8, 2007

The gauntlet has been thrown down..

The "greatest job ever" is evolving. It was announced today that my former boss known as S, will be taking another position with the company. That sounds better than "his position was eliminated, and we threw him a bone so he wouldn't leave.".

It ought to be interesting how my job will shake out. I would love to tell you that I have a really important job, doing world changing deeds. But, if you take all of the fancy titles out of what I do, it comes down to this - I am an Office Manager who placates consultants.

Moving on...

This whole Anna Nicole thing is strange. I live 5 miles from the Hard Rock where she died. There has been a media frenzy here. I will admit that this is sad, but really, who didn't see this coming from a mile away? Anna Nicole lived her own tragic existence, and has now achieved her tabloid end.

I just really feel for her infant daughter.

So here is my question to you - tragic accidental/natural death or suicide?

February 6, 2007

Change going forward..

RockStar Mommy (not sure how to link) has an interesting topic about mothers and daughters.

My mother died when I was 16, outside of what my older brothers and sisters tell me, there are many unanswered questions I have.

I could go into what happened, but that is many other posts for many other days.

If I can get some traffic here... I would like everyones opinion on how to avoid the sins of parents past?

I'll take some lurve how to do the links too..

and go....

February 5, 2007


I wanted to keep this blog light.

But, I am bummed. And it is time I just come out with it.

I have labeled my job as the greatest ever had. I will go as far as to say that I work in the software industry. I really wrestled with taking this job 2 years ago, because I had worked in this realm before and was laid off.

It was laid out like this -

1. My boss' position was eliminated.
2. They want me to stay to take over another region in addition to the one I have.

I don't know what I want to do. If I stay, do I become as disposable as my boss? Will there be a generous pay hike to take on more responsibilities?

There are just so many questions.

But, there are other options. Of which I can't discuss at this time, or from this computer.

February 2, 2007

Greatest job ever...

Yeah, so I thought. I am still employed.

Can't really elaborate that much, but, the coolest man I have ever worked for, his position has been eliminated.

I am bummed beyond words.

I have been in the workforce for 17 years (holy shit that makes me sound old). In those 17 years, I have liked AND respect exactly two bosses. The boss now known as S is one of them.

We'll see what next week brings.

February 1, 2007

Muffin top

So, I may or may not have mentioned this before, but I just had a baby in November. During my whole pregnancy, I gained 35 pounds. This may sound like a ton to some people, but I am a generously proportioned girl and proud to say that I gained only 35 lbs. Generously proportioned meaning: I have fought the battle of the bulge my whole life.

The week before I went back to work, I went through my closet to clean out all the maternity work wear, as to not be tempted to wear them while not pregnant. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but, I just made the preference for myself as a motivator to lose the 20 that I have to lose to get back to my pre-baby weight. Never mind the additional 40 that I would LIKE to lose.

This morning while trying to pick out something to wear, I decided to wear jeans. I get them on, zip them up and look in the mirror. To my horror, I was sporting world class muffin top. Horrified, I throw on the shirt - AND YOU CAN STILL SEE IT. I went through about 15 different tops before I found something acceptable.

Sadly, the acceptable top is a maternity top. Tonight I am sealing the maternity clothes box with tape...

January 31, 2007

You know I must be crazy...

This being my very first post ever, maybe I should start by introducing myself.


Know this - my mind always draws a blank when am told to "tell me about yourself". It makes me feel like such an ass. The laughable thing is that I am NOT a shy person. I want this blog to get me over the "they're all going to laugh at you" syndrome.

Here goes nothin':

I am married to my best friend since 2000. Don't take that statement to mean that it is all wine and roses, we have our share of arguments and disagreements. But, when push comes to shove, there is no one else that I want by my side. My husband will be known from here forward as J.

I am a new mom. I had my first child 11/30/06, a little girl who shall be known as M. M is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

MANY years ago - I started as a blog snooper, I really thought that I was getting away with something. I thought I was looking in on personal feeling that were not meant to be seen. Then blogging became a mainstream thing, then I became a reader. The kind of reader who would comment sometimes, but read everyday. It became an addiction, that still thrives today.

As for what I do, I wish I was a SAHM, but alas, I am not. I work for a great company and I assist a sales team. I would not want to get dooced, so I will keep it at that. Being the great company that it is, I am working on being a WAHM 2 days a week.

So, there is your brief introduction to me. I am sure as I become more comfortable, I will reveal more. I've always been the person who thought I held my cards close until I looked back and realized that my heart was on my sleeve.

To end this - I am open to ANY suggestions to make this a better place to visit.